Week 3 has come to an end, which means the end of the study abroad trip is fast approaching. It has felt that time has flown by so fast, yet I have managed to live a whole lifetime within the past 3 weeks.
During the past few weeks, I have tried my hardest to step outside of my comfort zone and make the most out of my experiences. Some efforts have been a bit smaller, such as trying to eat artichokes, hiking steep trails, and going cliff jumping for the first time ;
One of my biggest efforts to get out of my comfort zone has been trying to speak to locals and practice my Italian. It has definitely been a bit nerve-wracking and embarrassing at times, but I have put effort into having conversations in Italian and speaking with the locals. Many locals have been very welcoming to me and willing to teach me as we speak. This has allowed me to connect with many new people, all from different backgrounds from myself.
I feel that thus far I have been about 7 out of 10 willing to do things outside of my comfort zone. I am pretty happy with my score overall, especially with my increased effort to learn and practice Italian. But I do want to try and continue improving it, especially trying to travel outside of more tourist areas and into more local experiences.
One of the main ways I am currently planning on improving this score is by planning an overnight trip to Naples. Hayley and I will be spending an overnight trip in Naples at a hostel, which I have never stayed at before. Since it will be just the two of us, it will be a brand new experience learning how to plan and travel on my own.
Overall, I am very proud of how much I have stepped out of my comfort zone.
Until next time,